الخطط العلمية-صحة المجتمع

  1. أ.د .سجاد سالم عيسى

1-Assessment of teacher knowledge about first aids

2- A study on  of college of nursing students knowledge about postoperative complications

3- Assessment of  the knowledge of nursing college students about the harmful effect of passive smoking

  1. ا م د سميرة محمد ابراهيم
  1. The attitude of nursing college students regarding COVID 19
  2. The attitude  of health staff in prevention of COVID 19
  1. م د احمد زيارة خلف

1-the causes of delay  vpresentation of patients with breast cancer

2- the effect of obesity on the prognosis of breast cancer

  1.  ا.م. هاجر سالم عيسى
  1. Assessment of risk factors for obesity among school aged children in Basra city
  2. Study on physical inactivity among teenagers and their causes
  3. Study on hypertension and diabetes mellitus among student of Bab-Alzabiar university in Basra city
  1.  م. كاظم جواد عواد   
  1. Effect of blood transfusion upon children with sickle cell anemia in Basrah center for heredity blood diseases

2-Assessment of primary school teacher knowledge and attitude about chickenpox in Basra city

  1.  م د عادل علي حسين   

1-assessment of teacher's knowledge about child abuse at Al nasyria primary schools

  1. Determination Causes of Premature Baby at Bint Al Huda Teaching Hospital in Al Nasiriya City
  1. م .م حسين فاخر كامل

1-nurses knowledge toward transfusion reaction: is it enough?

2-seeking the mutual goal : investigation attitude toward collaboration between nurses and physicians .

3- Assessment health staff knowledge and practice regarding patients safety after diagnostic cardiac catheterization 

  1. م. م احمد ثامر سعود

1-Assessment of the nurse knowledge about hemodialysis complications in hemodialysis unit in Basra Teaching Hospitals.

2-A study to assess the knowledge of cardiac nurses about commonly administrated drugs in cardiac surgical in Basra Teaching Hospitals.  

  1. م م علياء حسين

1-Knowledge of female students about breast cancer and breast self examination practices at college of nursing

2-Level of knowledge about alzheimer s disease among nursing staff in al Basra teaching hospital


  1.  دعاء محمد باجي
  1. Effects of bullying on pupils  self –esteem  in AL-Basra  primary schools

2-Effects of sleepiness and fatigue on nursing performance among intensive care unit and coronary care  unit nurses in AL-Bara city center hospitals .

3-assessment beliefs of primary schools Teachers toward epilepsy in AL-Basra city

  1. Knowledge of primary schools teachers about  epilepsy in AL-Basra  city center .
  2. Practices of teachers about epilepsy at primary schools in AL- Basra city ,
  3. Essential  newborns nursing care at maternity and practice
  4. Neonatal  Apnea nursing care  in neonatal intensive care unit