النشاط البحثي-صحة المجتمع


اسم التدريسي

اسم البحث


المدرس الدكتور

فراس عبد القادر جاسم

Nurse Knowledge about parkinsonism disease in Al-Basra teaching  hospitals

Smoking habit in secondary school at Al-Basra city

Assessment of nurse's knowledge in dealing              with an open fracture in the emergency department of Al-Basra hospitals

Assessment of nurses’ knowledge and attitudes about breast cancer.

Assessment of nurses knowledge and about breast cancer

The effect of some bad habits on the pattern of growth among

Primary and intermediate school students in basra city

Knowledge, Attitude and suggested Practice of nursing students at University of Basrah about insulin therapy.


الاستاذ الدكتور

سجاد سالم عيسى

Nurse Knowledge about parkinsonism disease in Al-Basra teaching  hospitals

Smoking habit in secondary school at Al-Basra city

Assessment of nurse's knowledge in dealing              with an open fracture in the emergency department of Al-Basra hospitals

Assessment of nurses’ knowledge and attitudes about breast cancer.

Knowledge, Attitude and suggested Practice of nursing students at University of Basrah about insulin therapy.


الاستاذ الدكتور

 سميرة محمد إبراهيم


Knowledge of sensible use of medication among nursing students at the University of Basrah

Knowledge , Attitude and Practice of Contraceptive Pills among Female Students at the University of Basrah













الاستاذ المساعد


 احمد زيارة خلف

Causes  of delay of medical consultation in patients with breast cancer

The  impact of obesity on breast cancer

CAPD catheter personnel experience and it is complications

Ventral  hernia repair and seroma formation

Molecular techniques for detection of H.Pylori infection in saliva compared to rapid urease test 


الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور

عادل علي حسين

Anxiety and Depression among Secondary School Students

Personality Inventory Assessment for Adolescents in Secondary schools


الاستاذ المساعد

هاجر سالم عيسى


Mothers  knowledge Regarding Febrile convulsion  in children

In  Basrah City  .

Assessment  of  Risk Factors  for  obesity  among  School aged

Children in  basra  City .

Assessment  of the  study  on  physical  inactivates a  Among

Teenagers  and  their   causes .

Overview of immunization coverage and determinants for children in Basra city.


المدرس الدكتور

هشام حسين عبد الرؤوف


Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude of parents toward Testicular Torsion

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice  about Radiation Hazards among Workers in Radiology Department

Nurse Knowledge about parkinsonism disease in Al-Basra teaching  hospitals

Smoking habit in secondary school at Al-Basra city

Assessment of nurse's knowledge in dealing              with an open fracture in the emergency department of Al-Basra hospitals

Assessment of nurses’ knowledge and attitudes about breast cancer.

Knowledge, Attitude and suggested Practice of nursing students at University of Basrah about insulin therapy.





المدرس الدكتور

نهى سعيد كاظم

The Effects of Constructed Program on Nurses` Practices of Poisoned Children

Evaluation of Nurses` Practices toward Chemical Poisoning in Children



أفكار فاضل كريم

Evaluation of the importance of the presence of health and nursing cadres in nursing homes from the point of view of physicians

Effects of studying psychiatric nursing on beliefs and attitudes about mental illness



كاظم جواد عواد

School phobia among primary school pupils at abu-alkasseb schools in basrah

Assessment Students Knowledge and Attitudes about Vitiligo in Bab Alzubair Campus Basrah University

Affect of Electronic Games on Academic Level of Adolescents

Assessment of health awareness of COVID-19 among school students in Basrah Governorate/ Iraq

Self-Medication Practice among Basra University Students at Bab Al-Zubair campus



 حسين فاخر كامل

Functional Impairment of Adolescent with Thalassemia

Psychosocial Aspects of Adolescents with Inherited Blood Disorder

Knowledge and Attitude about School Violence in Primary School at Basra City


المدرس المساعد

ايمان طه عبد الحسن

الابعاد الزمانية لبعض امراض العيون في محافظة البصرة (2017-2020)

(دراسة في الجغرافية الطبية )

التوزيع المكاني للإصابة بالأمراض السرطانية في محافظة البصرة

للمـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــدة (2011-2020)


المدرس المساعد

نور صلاح شريف عبد الرضا

Impact of school bullying on student s education level in primary schools in Basrah city.

Assessment knowledge of nursing students about care of children with poisoning


المدرس المساعد

حازم نعيم

Study the impact of health awareness and education on changing individuals’ behavior and adopting healthy behavior in society

Study how to improve the prevention and management of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer in communities.