بحث منشور للدكتور وصفي ظاهر The effect of stress on alkaline phosphatase ,testosterone hormone concentration and some blood parameters after rats immersed in water
تاريخ النشر : 2016-09-24 22:46:10
عدد المشاهدات : 527
تاريخ النشر : 2016-09-24 22:46:10
عدد المشاهدات : 527
Journal of Basrah Researches ((Sciences))Vol. 36, No.6, A. 15 December ((2010))
The effect of stress on alkaline phosphatase ,testosterone hormone
concentration and some blood parameters after rats immersed in water
ISSN 1817ــ 2695
S. I. Selim1, W . DH. AbdAli2and H. M. Rashad31
College of Veterinary Med. .Zagazig University- Egy pt.
2College of Nursing . Basrah University
3College of Medicine- Zagazig University
((Received 18/2/2010, Accepted 25/10/2010))
This study was carried out using Twenty one albino rats with same age and weighed from ( 250-300 gm) subdivided into 3 groups. The first group(7) as control group, The second group(7) rats were immersed in glass gar containing warm water at40 Cْ up to the neck of rats for 2 hours. The third
group was immersed in glass gar containing cold water at 4Cْ similar to the second group at the same time
The rats were sacrificed immediately at the end of the experimental period , blood was collected
then Alkaline phosphatase concentration , RBCs count, Hb, sodium, potassium, calcium ,phosphorous
concentration and testosterone hormone level were measured
Results showed slightly significant decreased( P<0.05) in alkaline phosphatase concentration and
testosterone hormone level and decreased in RBCs count insignificantly While Hb. Na
+,k Ca
and phosphorus concentration showed significant increase( P<0.05) after immersion in both hot and
cold water .
Key words:Alkaline phosphatase ,testosterone and blood elements
Immersion was associated with a marked suppression of plasma rennin activity and plasma aldesteron concentration, together with an increase
in urinary prostaglandin excretion [ 1], [2] .
[3]Added that rennin was secreted in response to a
fall of renal afferent and arteriolar pressure was
reduced in supply of Na
to the distal tubules they also reported that alkaline phosphatase declines as a result of any stress..
Both angiotensine-11 and its metabolic product angiotensine-111 are pharmacologically activated
and they stimulated the release of aldesteron from adrenal cortex , aldesteron acts on the distal
tubules to promote Na+ reabsorption[4].[5] Studied the effect of cold water immersion, body
temperatures, and vessel diameter. [6] Concluded that, water immersion caused vasodilatation and
no skin wrinkling in replanted fingers was reported. These results imply that the intact
sympathetic nerve function is required to induce the vasocontructive effect.
The aim of the current study was to delineate the effects of stress on hot and cold on some
blood element ,Na
, K
, Ph, Ca
together with ،HB ,RBCs, alkaline phosphatase and testosterone concentration Materials and methods
This study was conducted in Libya 2007 .Healthy male albino rats were used as experimental animals, weighed (250-300 gm)
were used for this experiment, they were divided equally into three groups.1 st group, Including (7) rats, were left in the air at room temperature for
compliable period of time(2 hours). 2 nd group immersed in water for 2 hrs at 4o Cْ . 3 rd group (7) rats were subjected to water immersion for (2 hrs
)which was conducted in a large glass container
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Journal of Basrah Researches ((Sciences))Vol. 36, No.6, A. 15 December ((2010))
filled with water , heated or colded to the desired temperature and regulated by means of thermostat.
Animals were kept in hot water rand binded by a thread at the of each animal chest .The blood
was collected at the end of the immersion period 2 hrs),as similar period in the air in the control
group, they were Sacrificed and blood samples were collected in polyethylene tubes containing
heparin from abdominal vein .data for Hb and RBCs count using Heamocytometer. Na
, K
,Ca++ and P measured by using flameplatometer
[7] . Testosterone was measured according to the
method of [8]. Alkaline phosphatase was measured according to[9] Data were Collected and analyzed by 0ne-time
ANOVA with t-test for comparison significant at the 0.05 level. [10].A comparison of the results obtained between control ,cold and hot water
immersion using the percentage differences.
The result after the immersion of rats in hot water showed insignificant alteration on Alkaline phosphatase (- 8.81% ),HB(-5.44% ), RBCs( 9-7.54%) and Testosterone(-47.17% ). table(1).Also showed insignificant alteration on Alkaline phosphatase (-6.19%),Hb(-13.6%), RBCs(-9.43
%)and Testosterone (47.17% ).
Table:(2) showed significant increase ( P<0.05)
in Na
, and phosphorus (15.97 %), (25 %),
(13.86%) , (14.87%) respectively after the
immersion of rats in hot water also showed significant increased ( P<0.05) in Na
, Ca
and phosphor after cold water immersion (18.5 %
),( 33.3 %), (11.22%) ,(20.29 %)respectively.
Table(1):, The mean of concentration and changes in alkaline phosphatase ,Hb ,RBCs count, and concentration of testosterone in control and worm and cold water immersed rats.
The study investigated a decrease in alkaline phosphatase tablets(1)after 2 hrs immersion in hot and cold water and this could
be due to the dilution by intracellular fluid shift during immersion[11].[3] reported that alkaline phosphatase decline as a result of any stress.
Also showed decreased of Hb which might be due to dilution by intracellular fluid shift due to haemodilution which fallows extracellular
volume expansion during immersion, or might be due to a decreased in oxygen transport to the tissues ,hence it increase the incidence of
fatigue. [12]Pointed that following ice-water immersion, hyperventilation induced a marked reduction in middle cerebral artery (MCA )
which has been associated with the disorientation and the loss of consciousness A decrease testosterone hormone concentration in male rats after hot and cold water immersion in different temperature for 2 hrs in accordance with the result which showed the possible cause of this decrease in
testosterone level that may be due to the haemodilution accompanying with fluid shift from interstitial intravascular components[13] .
[14] add that stresses of different origins and
causes might decrease testosterone level and increase cortisole concentration which shares in this testosterone declination in the blood .[15]
indicated that testosterone and cortisole play a very important role in the metabolism specially during stress as testosterone is powerful
anabolic and cortisole as catabolic hormones.[16] reported that testosterone has vital action on the protein metabolism and
respond negatively to stress Many studies have demonstrated that rats exposed to the condition that induce and maintain the states of anxiety and stress
developed hyper sensitive state [17], [18] [19]pointed that stresses have vasocontructive effect and increase transmembrane exchange of Na /H and alterate Na
transport and
consequent changes in calcium ion. [20]reported phosphor importance and its action in cellular signals and the phosphorilization to produce
energy The immersion for 2 hrs caused insignificantly in a decrease in sodium concentration at different hot and cold compared
to control ,on the other hand a decrease in potassium concentration in both and cold Immersion groups respectively .The decrease of
sodium concentration observed after the immersion in this study could be caused by decrease sodium reabsorption. In addition the
haemodilution accompanying fluid shift from interstitial to intravascular compartment could also contribute. Several mechanism have been
suggested to clarify the exact cause of decreased sodium reabsorption of aldesteron secretion [2].[4]Explained the major actions of aldesteron
on Na
transports and the flaw of Na
from the luminal fluid loathing the apical surface of renal cell passively through Na
canal. Na
is then transported into interstitial fluid through the serosal side of the cells by the Na
dependant ATP ase pump. ATP provides the energy required for this active presses also stated that the other mechanism involving different
aldesteron regulated proteins, may be involved in the handling of K
and H
.[21]Found that
potassium level was decreased as a result of increased it level in urine output As regards the changes of Ca+ and phosphorus concentration encountered in this study showed a significant increase( P<0.05) in hot water and cold water for 2 hrs ,this increase can be explained ,that haemodilution which
fallows extracellular volume expansion during immersion ,lower Ca
level which in turn stimulated the release of parathyroid hormone .The changes in calcium and phosphors
suggested that parathyroid hormone may be increased during the immersion with the activation of bone reabsorption [22] . The increase in phosphors during immersion could be due to the increase in mobilization of bone minerals without proportional increase in urinary excretion [23].
The study concluded that the stresses after the immersion in hot and cold water had a negative effects on the alkaline phosphatase ,testosterone
, RBCs count ,Hb, and positive effects on blood
serum Ca
, and phosphor.
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Journal of Basrah Researches ((Sciences))Vol. 36, No.6, A. 15 December ((2010))
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Journal of Basrah Researches ((Sciences))Vol. 36, No.6, A. 15 December ((2010))